Big Deal Energy

Grow your business in 8 weeks with quantum leap multipliers

Laura Khalil

In this episode of Big Deal Energy, I dive into strategies for supercharging your business growth with what I call "quantum leap multipliers." Drawing from my own experiences, I share how committing just one hour a day to tackling challenging areas can lead to significant breakthroughs. Forget the myth of relentless hustle – I'm all about consistent, purposeful action and creating environments that nurture growth. Join me as I debunk the hustle culture and explore how small, consistent steps can propel your business forward. Tune in to discover how to leverage these quantum leap multipliers and achieve remarkable growth without burning out.

Referenced in this episode:

Cold Outreach Cure:
Elevate Mastermind:

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Laura Khalil:

Hey friends, what's up? It's your home girl, your business bestie, Laura Khalil, and I want to welcome you to this episode of big deal energy where I want to talk today about how to really make quantum leaps in your business. I know that we have all seen people that we really admire and look up to and think, gosh, how did they get there? I want to get there, I want to be like that. Well, is a lot simpler than you might be thinking, so in this episode, I'm going to share two ways that you can experience quantum leaps in your business, and I actually encourage you to use both of them as really multipliers of your success. And I want to illustrate this by way of a story.

Laura Khalil:

So I have gotten into pickleball. I think it's sort of all the rage right now across the United States. I started playing it last summer and go to open plays and try it out, and I decided at the start of this year of 2024 that I really wanted to get more serious about playing. I really wanted to get better at the game. So I showed up to our pickleball club one night and it was me and about nine college kids all guys and let me tell you what I played 10 games at night and I got destroyed. I was destroyed on the court. Okay, I was, I was left with nothing, and but here's the thing I was. These guys did intimidate me, you know, and their skill intimidated me. But they were also really nice and friendly and, you know, they weren't jerks. And so I thought to myself I really like a challenge and I think it's actually really fun to try to beat men at their own game. That just sort of tickles me. So I committed to showing up and I showed up about three times a week. About two hours each time I'd go play. So about six hours a week, okay, and every time I'd go play. It's the same thing. You always play about 10 games and I commit to playing, and every time I'd learn a little bit, something more about you know how to stand on the court, how to position my paddle, and I slowly began to get better. And I realized recently it's been about eight weeks since I got started with my commitment to just showing up three times a week I'm winning 90% of my games now, where I was losing 100% of them eight weeks ago. I'm winning about 90% of them now, and so that is how we make quantum leaps.

Laura Khalil:

It comes down to committing to something and taking small, consistent action towards it. I want to ask you that question about your life and your business and where you want to go and even where you want to be in the next eight weeks. If you could commit one hour a day to the thing that you're probably avoiding, the thing that is hard, the thing that you're probably not naturally good at, that you have to learn and assume that you're probably going to suck at it at the beginning, but you will get better over time. If you committed one hour a day to that, what could that do for your business? How could that transform in a relatively short period of time where you are today to where you will be in a couple months? I think it's a worthy challenge. I think it's worthy of trying in your business.

Laura Khalil:

One really common example of this I see with my own clients is people who are really scared to do outreach. They don't want to appear pushy, spammy, sleazy, salesy, so they avoid it. But guess what? Unless you are already extremely well known in your field and have your door being banged down for business, you have to start cultivating relationships and that can be really hard and weird and uncomfortable, and like you don't know what to say, and you might probably suck at it at the beginning. It's actually why we created a training called cold outreach care to help you learn exactly what to say in that cold outreach, and you can learn more about that in the comments if you're interested. And what we've noticed, though, is that as you do more of it, you get better, it becomes easier, and when you started, you might spend 30 minutes wondering what to say with our framework and consistently applying it. You can send those messages, and they sound like you and they sound authentic, and you know you can do one every two minutes, and so that's a huge shift, right? So that's what I mean. Some leaps are always occurring in small steps, so I want to encourage you today to put a stake in the ground of what you want to stay consistent to and do a little bit of every day.

Laura Khalil:

Now there's a second way to experience these quantum leaps in your business, and, as I said at the beginning, I encourage you to do both of these, and we're actually going to go right back to my pickleball example again to really illustrate this point. So I just said that I was winning 90% of my games. Does that mean I'm ready for the pros? Absolutely not. It means that I am beating people at a beginner level, and so what that means is that I am the best player in the room full of beginners. If you're consistently the best player in the room, then you are stagnating. You need to go find another room with people who are quote unquote better than you so you can challenge yourself even further to grow, and so that's actually my plan. My plan is now to go up a level and the people I play with and probably get my ass handed to me again, and then learn how to up level my own skills. So I bring this up because this is a continuous process. It's not a linear process to go and say like, oh well, if I do this, then finally I'll be where I want to go. It's like, well, you're going to get where you want to go, but then the cycle starts all over again, and if you're really challenging yourself to grow which I hope we all are then you're going to have to go find those rooms to be in where you're not the smartest person in the room, where you're not the one who has all the answers, because you want to be around people who help expand your horizons, because they are thinking bigger about work and about business than you have, and the only way to find those people is to get into those rooms.

Laura Khalil:

One of the most interesting pieces of research that I've come across is around personal development. That's probably a multi-billion dollar business. We are always, we're being conditioned to, you know, constantly make ourselves better. Make sure you know, if I just have the perfect morning routine, if I just get up and I do these 10 things before I open my computer, then maybe I'll be good enough, and what I've seen in the research is that sure you want to be working on yourself. We don't want to neglect ourselves, but sometimes we put so much importance on that that we neglect something that is at least, if not more, important, which is environment.

Laura Khalil:

It is incredibly important when we look at Olympic athletes and there's been research done on who are succeeding, who are, you know, actually becoming Olympians and there is research around their environment that sizes of cities they're in, the types of rinks they're training at, the types of coaches that they're working with. The environment they put themselves in is at least as important as what they do to improve their skills. We really live in this society that glorifies the hustle, that glorifies the grind, that glorifies working really, really hard and killing yourself, and I want to suggest to you that it doesn't have to be such a relentless grind. Now, I'm not suggesting that, you know, business is going to be easy and all roses, but it can be a lot easier if we are in environments that support our development, that help make connections. So if you're in a room with the right people who can help expand your vision, who can introduce you to the right referral partners, who can put your name forward for the right speaking opportunities, who can introduce you to the right audiences, boy, that makes it so much easier than being in the wrong room, where maybe you're the smartest person in the room but you're certainly not learning anything from the people that are there.

Laura Khalil:

If you're not around people who are helping you expand your vision, who are helping you see how good it can get, then your business is still going to be stagnant because we have to get into bigger and better rooms. And this is exactly why I created the Elevate Mastermind. It is to help established business owners have those conversations and get tons of support from me and our community to have a greater vision for their business and life. I'm really excited for you to take these quantum leap multipliers and apply them to your life. If there's something that you liked in today's episode or you just want to share how you're doing this, I actually would love to hear from you. Send me a message and tell me how it's going on Facebook, instagram or even on LinkedIn. Have a great one, everyone, and until next time, giddy up.