Big Deal Energy

Having a really bad day? Listen to this.

Laura Khalil

In this episode of Big Deal Energy, host Laura Khalil dives into one of life’s universal experiences: the shitty day. 

You know, those days where everything seems to go wrong, piling up one frustration after another. Laura shares a personal story about three nightmare days in a row—from a kitchen disaster to car troubles—and how she found a way to get through it without letting the stress control her. 

This episode is a must-listen for anyone in need of a reminder that even the worst days have an end.

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Laura Khalil:

Hi everyone, welcome to this episode of Big Deal Energy. I'm your host, laura Kalil, and I want to talk about something today that is probably affecting all of us at some point or another. Having a shitty day does everything seem to be going wrong. There's like this one day where everything goes wrong. If that day is today for you, or if you're like no, today's actually fine book, bookmark this episodes, cause I want to share with you how I actually deal with that stuff.

Laura Khalil:

So one of the challenges when we're having a bad day, and especially like when the bad day is like compounding upon itself, is that that can deregulate us Like I mean, which is normal Like our nervous system will start to like go out of flux, right. And when the nervous system goes out of flux and we get into fight, flight or freeze, we are not making decisions from a place of our, like, higher intelligence. We're not making decisions based on abundance. We're often making decisions out of fear, out of scarcity, out of oh my God, what's going to happen now? What am I going to do? And we can often make really poor decisions when we are in this state. A few years ago, I had this crazy situation where I woke up and it was literally raining in my kitchen and I was and oh, it was on Christmas. So I was like, oh my gosh, this is a freaking nightmare. Then the next day, my car got sideswiped and I'm like, okay, what? Like this is awful. Then the next day, my car got a flat tire. I was stuck on the side of the freeway and I'm just like, oh my gosh, three days in a row of this complete nightmare situation. And I kept thinking to myself, like what is going on, like this is this is so bad, it's almost comical, right, how bad it's getting. And if you're experiencing something like that, where it's one day or it's like two days in a row oh my gosh, this is so bad. Like, what do I do about this? Here's what really helped me.

Laura Khalil:

Like I mentioned, that string of really bad days happened to me at the end of the year. It happened, you know, from the week of Christmas, essentially, and I thought to myself, as I was sort of like trying to figure out how this was all going wrong, as if there was some sort of like rhyme or reason to it, I realized, well, you know, actually nothing really has gone wrong for me this year. I mean nothing like this kind of like magnitude has gone wrong. And I, I, I went back. I just I sort of like looked at every month and I was like, yes, of course there were annoyances and, you know, there were things that were bothersome, but like this sort of like weird, sort of catastrophic stuff was not happening and you could even argue that some of you know, getting a flat tire isn't that catastrophic. But as it was compounding upon all the other things, it felt like just like I was at the breaking point and I thought to myself you know what?

Laura Khalil:

I am allowed to have three shitty days a year. And the next time it happens the next year three shitty days a year and the next time it happens, the next year, when I have a really bad day, I am going to just mentally note oh, this is one of those days. So instead of me trying to fix it, instead of me trying to problem solve it in the moment, I'm just going to say, oh, yeah, okay, I, every year I get like three really bad days, or maybe it's five really bad days, maybe it's one, it's whatever it is for you. You're going to figure it out and say, just say to yourself oh yeah, okay. So this really sucks today and this is one of my really bad days, and in that way, I know that it's not going to last forever and I know that it will pass and I know that tomorrow will come. So this year I've had two of these days.

Laura Khalil:

One day was I was getting a fence installed in my backyard and they had completely incorrectly measured it and that created a lot of stress. I completely incorrectly measured it and that created a lot of stress, and so that was one day where I was like, oh okay, this is day one. Okay, we're having one of our really bad days. The next day, they actually cut the electrical wires passing from my garage to my house. Well, you can imagine my anger at that, which was complete negligence on their part, and I thought I am so freaking angry and so upset. I guess this is another one of my really bad days. Okay, cool, and so by doing that, it doesn't necessarily like make my anger go away or my frustration go away. It just reminds me that this isn't every day and that this will pass and that there are really really great days. We have less of a tendency to focus on the really great days just because the brain has a negativity bias. But you can always remember this is just one of those days and I don't have many of them through the year and it will pass.

Laura Khalil:

So I have a client right now.

Laura Khalil:

She's having a real tough day and it's sort of like bad piece of news on bad piece of news on bad piece of news.

Laura Khalil:

And the last bad piece of news she sent me, I said great, let's have all the bad news show up today and let's just get it done with and out of the way so that tomorrow we can turn the page.

Laura Khalil:

I hope this is helpful for you. I hope that this helps you deal with whatever shitty stuff is on your plate and reminding yourself that there will be a great day that's coming next, okay, and that this day, this day will pass. And the more we can get into that mode, the more we can calm the nervous system down, the more we can say to ourselves I don't need to make any decisions out of a place of scarcity right now, I don't need to make any decisions out of a place of fear right now, and I can just let this day pass. I can let this day wash over me and I can let the sunset on the bullshit day because a better one's coming. All right, thanks for being here. Thanks for listening. If this was helpful for you, share it with a friend who's having a shitty day. They may need to hear this too. And until next time, giddy up.